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Some humorists claim that every man passes through three stages in his life:
  1. He partied and played all night long - the next day he looks like he slept peacefully in bed all night long.
  2. He partied and played all night long - the next day he looks like he partied and played all night long.
  3. He slept peacefully in bed all night long - the next day he looks like he partied and played all night long.
Jokes are jokes, but it's no secret that we, as modern people, reach the third stage much sooner than we would like to and, moreover, much sooner than our predecessors, who had no clue of today's problems. Along with the development of civilization and man's increasing departure from nature, the price people pay for aspiring to lead a comfortable life is also increasing. "Sick building syndrome" has appeared, or "pollution-related illnesses," "children of industry" and "chronic tiredness syndrome," along with many, many others. Nobody would deny that each of us could benefit from help that would allow us slow down the crazy pace of our lives.

Alongside our chronic excess, there is also psycho-emotional overload. In medicine there is a notion of "borderline stress," which in excess leads to a breakdown in health. Living in urban conditions, often fighting against many problems alone, we find ourselves at the edge of our endurance. Specialists from our company have created an assortment of products which can help you raise your individual stress threshold. Each of these products eases the psychosomatic symptoms that appear after prolonged stress, and periodic use of the entire assortment of products allows you to leave that worrisome and dangerous state behind.

(food supplement)

Often the first disturbing sign for us is the appearance of strange feelings - indifference, nervousness, hopelessness and helplessness in the face of problems which take control of us without any clear reason...

Product withdrawn from sale, no replacement

(food supplement)

We all know that sleep disorders take many different forms. For one, it may take a long time to fall asleep. Others fall asleep quickly but sleep lightly, still others fall asleep quickly, sleep deeply and then suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, and are then unable to go back to sleep...

Product withdrawn from sale, no replacement

(food supplement)

This product was developed mainly for the purpose of eliminating the effects of stress that are destructive to the body.

Product withdrawn from sale, no replacement

(food supplement)

What would seem to be a “normal" disturbance with sleep suddenly becomes a problem that requires immediate treatment. It is better to prevent the problem than try to fight with it later.

Product withdrawn from sale, no replacement

* The wholesale price is valid for orders over 190 CV. Detailed information on product prices depending on the value of the order can be found in the price list available on the website.