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Detox (Vision) food supplement

Idź do sklepu Shop price: 34,00 EUR
Wholesale price*: 20,40 EUR (11,875 CV)
Product withdrawn from sale, see the new Detox here →

Detoxifies at the cellular level.
In the 1970s, American pharmacologists began systematic research on a plant which had been mentioned many times in Indian legends as magical remedy for treating the most serious, deadly diseases. These plants grow in only one place on Earth, in the basin of the Peruvian Amazon; it is a gigantic liana (over 50 meters long), whose thorns resemble a cat's paw with claws. That is the origin of the liana's name - Uncaria Tomentosa, Una de Gato, or Cat's Claw. Since ancient times, the Indian tribes that settled the basin of the Peruvian Amazon have been using this plant to treat illnesses of joints and digestive tract, serious infections, wounds, and cancerous conditions. Tests carried out using the standards available in the 1970s indicated that the roots and bark of the liana could, in fact, relieve many people's suffering. For over 100 years, interest in this plant has not faded. When it was possible to carry out research on larger geographical areas, it was established that within the acreage where the liana was growing, the number of cancer cases and genetic defects in the population was next to none. Research continued. It turned out that Cat's Claw has very wide applications. It has anti-inflammatory, diastolic and anti-oxidation properties, reduces blood pressure, builds the immune system, protects the liver, acts as a diuretic, detoxifies, protects the heart muscles, and is cytostatic (slowing or halting the spread of cancer). It was no accident that Cat's

Claw was added to the International Pharmacopeias, and that it received the "Plant of the Year" award in 1995. Biologically active ingredients from this plant are included in the product that we would like to draw your attention to: DETOX+. Taking just two capsules per day of DETOX+ will allow you to experience the wide spectrum of biological effects on your body, for yourself.

A biologically active food supplements complements a normal diet with biologically active substances. Exhibits immunostimulant properties, recommended for individuals with low resistance.

Organ transplants, pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to ingredients in the preparation.

Ingredients and form of the preparation:
60 gelatin capsules, 387,5 mg

Each capsule contains:
Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)380 mg

Produced by:
Nutripharma Ltd. group of Akropharma companies, Waterford - Ireland.