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Search Keyword wellness

Total: 5 results found.

1. Be Happy To Be Alive
(Uncategorised Content)
... never diets and cannot imagine her day without at least a half hour of exercise. She openly admits that she is a proponent of the "wellness" movement, a combination of fitness and feelings of wellbeing. ...
2. Time For Relaxation
(Uncategorised Content)
... of spending free time. One of the key ideas of wellness is found in healthy relaxation. And who doesn't like to rest? Each of us dreams about it. Recent research has shown, however, that not ...
3. Exercise Is Health
(Uncategorised Content)
The wellness philosophy puts particular emphasis on daily exercise. Most of us spend all day behind a desk piled high with papers. When we are flooded with work we forget to move our bodies. Worst ...
4. What Is Wellness?
(Uncategorised Content)
Your browser does not support the video tag. What is Wellness? Many people think that because they are not currently in the hospital or don't take the day off due to illness, they ...
5. Healthy Eating
(Uncategorised Content)
... before going to bed. Everyone who knows what ,,wellness" means should live thus way.  ...